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Quarterly Book Club - Destination Day - Beaversprite

Welcome to our new Quarterly Book Club! Each quarter of the year we will read a new book. At the end of each month, we discuss the chapters we have read, and on the third month, we visit a local destination that ties in with the message of the book.

Quarter One: we are reading Ben Goldfarb’s delightful book Eager - the Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter. On Tuesday, Jan. 30 at 7 PM we will discuss chapters 1-5; on Tuesday, Feb. 27 at 7 PM we will discuss chapters 6-9; and on Saturday, March 30 at 9 AM we carpool to Beaversprite to visit one of CNY’s iconic beaver habitats. The first two meetings will have a virtual option if driving out to Rogers Center on a winter evening is not your thing.

March 27

Storytime & Hike

April 1

Monday Morning Ramble - Leland Reserve